The film features Shahid Kapoor, Anushka Sharma, Meiyang Chang and Vir Das in the lead. Shahid Kapoor is always remembered for his romance and none can forget Anushka Sharma who set her foot steps in the industry through ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi‘(2008) with the king Shah Rukh khan. “Badmaash Company” is an extraordinary story set in the 90’s in middle class Mumbai, of four young friends who get together to start a company. Their business is an instant hit because they find a way to beat the system. The tagline of the film “They Did All The Wrong Things The Right Way” promises an interesting storyline.
Producer :- Yash Chopra, Aditya Chopra
Director armeet Sethi
Star Cast:-
Shahid Kapoor
Anushka Sharma
Meiyang Chang
Vir Das
Director armeet Sethi
Star Cast:-
Shahid Kapoor
Anushka Sharma
Meiyang Chang
Vir Das
Music Director:- Pritam Chakraborty
Badmash Company Movie Release Date : May 7, 2010
wohhhhhhhhhhh...............kya smart banda h
ReplyDeletelooking stupendous